Coronavirus Europe

Italy opens its doors to America

Departure flight

Italy imposes quarantine on UK arrivals, and at the same time opens up to visitors from US, Canada, Japan, EU

Departure flight

Italian Health minister Roberto Speranza announced a lifting of restrictions on tourists from America, Canada, Japan and the EU, whilst imposing a quarantine on UK visitors in response to the Delta variant threat

Italy is introducing a mandatory five-day quarantine for visitors from Britain from Monday 21 June amid growing concerns over the Delta coronavirus variant, as well as being tested for Covid-19, the country’s health minister Roberto Speranza said on Friday.

The Italian health minister has also lifted restrictions on tourists from the United States, Canada and Japan, as well as other EU countries, in line with the requirements of the ‘Green Pass’ certificate, showing that they have been vaccinated or recently tested negative for Covid-19.

This falls in line with France, Austria and Germany who in recent days have already introduced varying curbs on people arriving from Britain. In addition, a ban on people arriving into Italy from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka has been extended.

This move comes as the covid-19 incidence rate in Italy continues to fall, dropping to 16.7 coronavirus cases for every 100,000 inhabitants.

For up- to-date information relating to the covid-19 situation in Italy – in English – see the Italian health ministry website.