Italian Houses

Air travel is so easy and affordable nowadays making Europe as easy a destination to visit as Disney or some of the US states. We are based in Europe and although we have lived in many countries we are more familiar and more at home in Europe.

European countries seem to be a really popular destination option for families who are looking to travel abroad for the first time. The reason for this is that it introduces families to another culture and also at the same time allows one to explore some of the great sites from ancient times, this is particularly attractive for residents of a younger country like the United States. Another appeal is that most of the major cities in European countries speak English, especially those where they are so reliant on tourism, and so this makes traveling in Europe so easy.

From our experiences the most popular destinations (in order) seem to be Italy, Spain, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Greece, Switzerland, Croatia with Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Norway bringing up the rear. We have been to most of these and so find ourselves in a great position to be able to offer you some advice. So drop us a line and we’ll see if we can help.

If you are looking for some inspiration then here are some great ideas.

Best Restaurants in Palermo

Here is our list of what we feel are the best restaurants in Palermo, these include family-run trattorias, some options for those who want to spend a little more and something for the more romantic. Sicilian cuisine is an incredible fusion of Italian, Greek, African, Arab, French and Spanish. It’s unique and its great!When recommending …

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Scotland and England open up to US and European travellers

Those who have been fully vaccinated in the EU (on the amber list) or in the USA will not need to isolate or quarantine when arriving in England or Scotland this coming Monday, August 4th. The UK government has said that it would apply to people who have been fully vaccinated with a jab approved …

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Italy opens its doors to America

Italy imposes quarantine on UK arrivals, and at the same time opens up to visitors from US, Canada, Japan, EU Italian Health minister Roberto Speranza announced a lifting of restrictions on tourists from America, Canada, Japan and the EU, whilst imposing a quarantine on UK visitors in response to the Delta variant threat Italy is …

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How to plan a trip to Italy….(what travel advisors do)

When planning a trip to Italy there are a number of steps that we follow with our clients. So, whether you are planning on working with us or trying to plan on your own, these are some of the most important questions that need answering, that will ultimately make the planning process more simplistic and take …

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The European Union looking to let vaccinated American Tourists visit this summer

Some fantastic news coming out of Brussels last night is that American tourists who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to visit the European Union over the summer. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, said on Sunday, in an interview with The Times in Brussels, that “The Americans, as …

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