
Bologna is a one of the most beautiful cities in Italy largely because of the abundance of terracotta giving it the nickname of La Rossa (the Red). Modern day Italians believe the red to be that of Ducati and Ferrari, which along with Lamborghini and Maserati make Bologna the ‘land of motors’. It is also known as La Dotta (the Learned or Intellectual as it has the oldest university in the Western world) and La Grassa (the Fat One due to its substantial and opulent culinary tradition). Some Italians also call it Lo Stomaco – the stomach of Italy.

Bologna is not a typical tourist city but rather a place where you come to integrate and to enjoy the city as a local. It is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region and is undoubtedly the food capital of Italy, renowned for its Parma ham, Parmesan cheese, Balsamic vinegar, Mortadella, Tortellini. Ragu’ Bolognese and very many more culinary delights.

Bologna really only needs no more than 3 – 4 days to explore. In fact, even less, but most visitors to Bologna want to explore neighbouring Modena and Parma for the vinegar, and cheese and ham; and at least half a day to experience a test drive in a Ferrari or Lamborghini and to visit the respective museums.

The top things to see in Bologna include: Fontana di Nettuno (Neptune’s Fountain), Piazza Maggiore, Basilica di San Petronio, and Le due Torri (Two Towers).

Here are some articles and resources that will help you….

What to do and where to eat in Bologna?

Stanley Tucci’s recent Searching for Italy series on CNN is certainly generating a lot of interest and love for Italy. After the most recent episode featuring Bologna which is aptly nicknamed La Grassa (the Fat One – due to its hospitality and incredible food) we have been asked if we could incorporate some of the …

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