Europe France Things to do

Best Things to do in Paris for families

Paris with families

Having lived in the south of England for many years and working in London it became very easy to head across for Paris for the day either for a romantic trip for a couple of days or a long weekend with the family. By taking so many trips we were able to compile a list of the best things to do in Paris for kids and families.

Paris is probably one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, certainly in France offers the tourist the possibility of experiencing modern, cosmopolitan city life with the option to explore a quieter village life experience.

Like most first trips to a destination, the urge is always to ‘tick all the boxes’ and to see as much as possible in your short time so you don’t feel left out or feel that you have missed something really important during dinner conversations about Paris at your friends next dinner party. Like many other cities Paris also has its ‘big five’ which include the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Élysées. (Of course, many of you will have your own version of this, so please leave your comments below).

On planning vacations in Paris, we suggest that you spend about 3 days here before exploring another part of France but if you want to spend a week or so here then there is certainly enough to see and do. Depending on the amount of time you ave in Paris we would suggest the following.

Visit the Eiffel Tower – there is no denying that this is a tourist hotspot and if you have not booked a tour or tickets in advance you will probably body swerve this altogether, which is a pity. More than seven million visitors make the pilgrimage here every year, and most will climb all three levels to get to the very top. Paris from so high up is worth the effort. The higher you go the more you discover: you begin to see things that you would otherwise not be aware of – monuments pop up from nowhere, cars zip along the streets like creepy crawlies and its incredible how far out of the city you can see. Please note that the Eiffel Tower takes on a different persona at night and is normally a lot quieter. You have the opportunity to also enjoy some French cuisine at Le 58 Tour Eiffel and on the first level, Le Jules Verne on the second level, or even a glass of champagne at the very top. These don’t offer the best eating options in Paris nor are the cheapest as you might expect available at a very popular tourist attraction but you pay for the experience as they say. We would highly recommend arranging a tour or skip the line tickets in advance. We can help.

Visit Notre Dame Cathedral from outside – Notre-Dame is a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture and is visited by about 20 million visitors a year but unfortunately following the fire in 2019 it is only available for a visit from the outside, but still incredible to see. Restorations are likely to take 5 to 6 years.

Arrange a Treasure Hunt at the Louvre – some of the must sees at the Louvre include the Vénus de Milo, the Wedding Feast at Cana, the Mona Lisa and the Raft of the Medusa. A treasure hunt for the kids makes the whole experience more exciting and memorable and allows you to skip past the long lines and stroll into the museum to immediately start the fun. We can help you with that. There are many options available including private, shared, small group or self guided.

At the top of the Champs-Elysees sits the Arc de Triomphe, where you can get one of the best views of Paris, so if the Eiffel Tower is busy this is the next best thing. You can look down the Champs-Elysees to the Louvre, out to La Defense, and over the rooftops to the Eiffel Tower itself. In the evening a stroll along the Champs-Elysees allows you to soak up the French ‘joie de vivre’ and sample a macaron, an ice cream, a French expresso or just to shop.

The Jardin d’Acclimatation is a childrens amusement park and well worth a visit if the family is looking for some green space in the city or the kids are looking to stretch their legs. It is a pleasant day out for parents and kids alike. The park includes an archery range, house of mirrors, miniature-golf course, narrow-gauge train, pony ride, puppet theater, shooting galleries, a science museum (the Exploradôme), and an art museum for children. Tack on a visit to the nearby Fondation Louis Vuitton, which has exhibitions, cafes, concerts, and great views.

Off the Beaten Path to dos ….

For Sightseers:

* Paris Statue of Liberty – exact replica – sits on the southern end of the Île aux Cygnes

* Bercy Village – 30 mins form central Paris, quaint village with loads of charm – cute cafes, restaurants, shops on the cobbled streets.

* Parc de la Vilette – At the edge of the 19th arrondissement, you’ll find the largest urban cultural park in the capital.

* Bastille – the go-to spot for social life in Paris for Parisians

* Piscine Josephine Baker – an American-born singer who made it big in the Paris cabaret scene in the late 20s – this pool (with retractable glass roof) is dedicated to her.

* Buttes Chaumont – this stunning oasis sits in the center of Paris – on a hill in the middle of a lake. Did we say ‘stunning’?

* Gardens of Albert Kahn – a wonderfully whimsical treat for the eyes. Spread out over 4 hectares of gardens you’ll easily find the Japanese, French and English influences in the gardens.

* Rue Crémieux – Tucked away a few minutes from Gare de Lyon, Rue Crémieux is full of pastel coloured houses filled with fluffy cats sitting on window sills. Famous on Instagram!

For Foodies

* Les Halles – Travel north of Seine to a trendy hotspot for Parisian socialites. 

* Petit Bain – Grab a beer, and catch up with friends overlooking views of the National Library and the quays, and enjoying live music.

* Pont des Arts – Extremely popular with couples

* Chinatown – in the 13th arrondissement, not just Chinese but Vietnames, Thai, etc.

* Galette in Rue du Montparnasse – No visit to Paris is complete without a proper crepe.

* Pershing Hall – really close to the Champs Elysees, itis a true gem and the perfect place to grab a drink or dinner with friends.

* Pierre Hermé – While Ladurée is the most known Macaron place in Paris, Pierre Herme gives them a run for their money, and are definitely worth a trip. 

* Montmartre Vineyards – Perfect place to spend an afternoon- especially if you love wine (and who doesn’t?).

For Shoppers:

* Arc Georges Brassens – right next to the Parc Georges Brassens, this little-covered market is the perfect place to find that literary treasure

* The Passages – filled with shops and interesting artefacts. You’ll find these covered malls dating back from the 18th and 19th century all over the Paris.

* Vanves flea market at Porte de Vanves – Located in the lesser known south of Paris

If you need some assistance in Paris then please drop us a line here.